Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Sister, The Scientist

Despite claiming to not enjoy science, my youngest sister entered a few science fairs this year. She did quite well, and I am proud of her. Her project had to to with the chelation of metal ions by insulin to increase its shelf life. She was awarded a $20,000/year scholarship to Westminster, and the honor of representing Northern Utah at the International Science and Engineering Fair sponsored by Intel. At that fair, she received an $8,000 scholarship from the United States Army. Please join me in congratulating Frances for her hard work, and my parents for their continued support.

I took this photo last summer, but never got around to editing it until now.


  1. Wow! You Hubley kids are like those Carron kids! What was in the water over there in Bountiful?!? Congratulations to Frances! And to your parents for raising three brilliant scientists!

  2. That's awesome! You Hubley kids have quite the science genes. I wish I had earned a $20,000 scholarship to Westminster. per year. Congrats to Frances!

  3. Awesome Frances!! Dain, so nice of you to recognize your sister. See you soon!
